Hydration for Weight Loss!

Does your morning typically start with a latte or cappuccino? Do you find yourself reaching for a Diet Coke to help you snap out of a mid-afternoon slump?  

While sweet drinks may give you a temporary energy boost, they can also cause your energy levels to crash shortly after. The more sugar you consume, the more you crave it, leading to a never-ending roller coaster ride of sugar highs followed by crashes. The only way to break the cycle is to eliminate (or drastically reduce) your sugar consumption.  

For good reasons. If you want to live a healthier lifestyle it´s not just about the food you are eating. It is just as important what and how much you are drinking as what you are eating. Our bodies are made of 70% water and therefore we need water to function properly.

Without enough water we have less energy, have more cravings and our bodies age faster. Just in case you didn’t know here are just some of the benefits of drinking the right amount of water for your body

  • Detoxification
  • Increased energy
  • Less fatigue
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Improves digestion
  • Boosts immune system
  • Natural headache remedy
  • Anti-aging treatment
  •  Prevents cramps

Aim for 6 to 8 glasses a day (10 is awesome but baby steps first 😊

If you think you are not getting enough water, these tips may help:

  • Carry a water bottle for easy access when you are at work of running errands.
  • Freeze some freezer safe water bottles. Take one with you for ice-cold water all day long.
  • Choose water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages.
  • Choose water when eating out save money and reduce calories
  • Add a wedge of lime or lemon to your water to improve the taste and make you drink more.

Join my FB group for more tips and strategies to boost your health and wellness!